Monday, April 28, 2014

Macaroni Necklaces (B)

The macaroni necklace- a childhood cliché if one ever did exist. I know why now- they are fun to make and freaking adorable! I did this last summer with HJ and again over the winter; it was a hit both times.

I used Rigatoni because of the wide opening. They also come in regular and short lengths; so it makes for a more exciting string of "beads" than if they were all uniform. You can color the pasta using alcohol, but I went with white wine vinegar. The big difference is using vinegar means they're safe for digestion; so if my sister's little Pickle joins us there's no worries. I was especially glad about my choice after the dog ate an entire necklace... 

I've read that dying the pasta in jars or Tupperware works well , but I did it in Ziploc freezer bags and everything went great. I put in just enough vinegar to cover the pasta and then added quite a few drops of liquid coloring. I have gels that I use when coloring icing (and they might have worked better), but they are not cheap, and I feel good old fashioned liquid worked fine. I smooshed the bags around to evenly distribute the coloring and then left them to stew.

You can see the noodles soaking up the color right away. I let mine sit for two hours, but that might have been too long- they started disintegrating! I used my regular pasta strainer to separate the pastas out from the liquid, then dumped it onto a baking sheet lined with paper towels. Once dry, sort and enjoy. The smelly vinegar fragrance stays with them for awhile, but it didn't transfer to us. Or was my nose too numb to notice at that point??

We strung them, while Optimus Prime supervised, onto some inexpensive yarn that I had from when I decided to learn how to crotchet (work in progress, don't ask). HJ was completely engaged and did not notice at all that this is a fine motor skill developing activity! You can see in the picture on the left above that I tied a knot around one of the small pieces at the end; this acted as an anchor to keep the pieces from sliding off the far end once strung (trial and error taught me this lesson...).

Once a necklace was done, I looped the remaining yarn through the anchor piece and tied it off.  I think I'll love that necklace forever. The first time we did this, we sent one of the extra necklaces with HJ to give to his mom, and he put the rest in his treasure chest (that's how the crazy dog got ahold of one!). The second time we saved the necklaces so he can give them to his grandmothers and his GG on Mother's Day.  

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Parade Day Brunch (B)

Parade Day was a complete success this year! The weather could have been warmer, but it was still great.

I could not be happier with how well our pre-parade brunch turned out. I baked my favorite cinnamon-sugar muffins (sooo delicious, I ate one before I even put the topping on). They are from the Williams-Sonoma cookbook "Muffins." I always made them for Parade Day because of the buttermilk. Now that I bake so much it isn't uncommon for buttermilk to be in the house (I love to use it when baking my cakes), but before it wasn't that way at all. You would never find buttermilk in my fridge, except for March when I would buy it to bake soda bread. By now these muffins have firmly established themselves as a part of my tradition, and they are always a HUGE hit. I had some extra for the post-parade party and Hubby's cousin's little daughter liked them so much she asked for one for the road! If that's not a compliment, I don't know what is.

Here is the recipe:
  • For muffins
    • 7Tbs butter, room temp
    • 2/3C sugar
    • 1 large egg
    • 1 1/2C flour
    • 1 1/2tsp baking powder
    • 1/2tsp baking soda
    • 1/2tsp salt
    • 1/2tsp nutmeg
    • 1/2C buttermilk
    • 1 1/2tsp vanilla
  • For topping
    • 2/3C sugar
    • 1Tbs cinnamon
    • 6Tbs butter, melted
Preheat oven to 350.
Cream butter and sugar on medium until light and fluffy.
Add egg. Beat well until pale and smooth.
In a separate bowl stir flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and nutmeg.
Add half of the dry mixture.
Mix in buttermilk and vanilla.
Add remaining dry mixture.
Stir until everything is just moistened- batter will be slightly lumpy.

Fill greased muffin tin 3/4 of the way full.
Bake until golden, dry, and springy to the touch- 20-25 minutes. A toothpick will come out clean.

To make topping, melt butter in a small bowl. Stir sugar and cinnamon in another small bowl. Dip the top of each muffin in butter and then in the cinnamon-sugar.

These muffins are just so good. They paired perfectly with our other main brunch offering: make-your-own "egg muffins." You prep the eggs just like you would if you were going to scramble them- with a bit of milk; I would recommend at least two eggs per adult. Then you pour the egg-milk mixture into a greased muffin pan and everyone gets to add in the "fixin's" they like best! Some of our favs are chopped bacon, Taylor Ham (AKA pork roll), red/green/yellow/orange peppers, onions (not me, but every other adult in my family), grated cheddar cheese, ham... you get the idea. Oh, if you are a ham steak fan, you can have it for dinner earlier in the week and the leftovers are perfect for this- a little bit goes a long way. But you can really get creative, and (best of all) each person gets their eggs just the way they like them!


Once everyone has added their toppings you just pop the muffin tin in a 350 degree oven for about 20 minutes. They will puff up really big while they cook, but as the eggs cool they come down to as pictured above. I would recommend putting a toothpick in one or a chalk mark on one corner of the pan- you don't want to mix up everyone's eggs. I would be very unhappy biting into one of Hubby's onion filled eggs! 
Speaking of Hubby, he likes his with ketchup. He was just about to eat when I made him pause so I could take a picture for you all:

Sometimes I wonder why he puts up with my nonsense! Enjoy!  

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Home "Improvements" (L)

Before I begin, I have to say that I think my husband is the hardest working man in the country.  He works so hard at his job and then he comes home and continues working on our house.  He is amazing and I could never have the drive to do what he does.

In December of 2013, my dear hubby and I began planning where we would put the baby that we're expecting.  Previous to that, we had been thinking about it, but we didn't make any real PLANS until December. We decided that my son would have to move into our "third" bedroom.  The trouble is that the other 2 bedrooms are on the second floor, and his would now be on the first floor.  He's so little to be so far away!!  But this is our only house, so here we go.

For the first 2 and a half years of owning our home (the time between buying the house and our son's birth), my husband and I lived in the third bedroom.  We were doing many, MANY renovations on our house v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y (until our son's due date was approaching) and the 2nd floor was not inhabitable. Now that it's time for the little man to move into the third bedroom, it's time to renovate it! It was good enough for us at the time, but it is not good enough for our baby boy! For one thing, the room is drafty.  We've torn out nearly every wall in our house and re-insulated because the insulation that was existing was no good.  It also needs new windows, and since everything is going to be opened up, we might as well redo the electrical and the lighting!

So on December 28th, my husband took the day off of work and did this:
 Here we go again... more demo dust followed by the promise of spackle dust and saw dust... my house will never be clean again!!!!!!!

Ok, that's enough drama... but there is a great anxiety that comes with the house being under construction.

Did I mention that my husband is the hardest working person I've ever met?  Well he is.  And because he works so hard, it took a little while to get things to a place where it felt like we were progressing.  Previous to December 28th, that room had been my son's playroom.  So when we started construction, the changing table and ALL of the toys had to come out of the room and the living room and dining room became the new playrooms! Since it was 3 days after Christmas, all of our Christmas decorations were still up and our furniture was in the "Christmas Configuration" to accommodate the 7-foot fir tree that is not typically in our dining room... So it was a wee bit crowded out there. We lived like that for a few months.

One month later, on January 29th, the windows were installed!
Hooray! Progress!
As you can see in the picture, my husband wasn't slacking!  He had cleaned up, re-insulated, re-run the electrical, added recessed lighting, added a proper bracket for the ceiling fan that we will be putting up (the one that had been in there was super scary.  We hadn't turned it on in about a year for fear that it would fall out of the ceiling....) and he got everything ready for Sheetrock once the new windows were in!

Looking back now, it's a lot easier to see how much work was actually done.  At the time, it felt like everything was taking FOREVER and that nothing would ever be completed.

Please keep in mind that all of this is taking place in the third trimester of my pregnancy, so I feel like I'm walking around in a sea of dust with a ticking time bomb strapped to my belly! LOL! It felt like we had so much to do and no time (OR MONEY!) to do it.

But my husband who has never let me down in the 11 years that I've known him, came through once again and created this amazing new bedroom for our little man:

On March 15th (4 days before our baby's due date!!) we moved our little guy into his new room. We need to put a few more things on the walls, but it's certainly getting there! And now that our little lady is on her way (aaaaaaaaany minute now........) we will all be sleeping in our own bedrooms.  He absolutely LOVES his room!  He wants to spend every minute in there!  He's not so fond of sleeping in there, but that's another blog for another day.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Impatiently Waiting (L)

I have 2 days before my little girl is "due." All that means is that I can't stand being pregnant anymore!!  We're in the "any day now" period, and I'm wishing that ANY day was TOday! I feel like a whale!  I'm so short of breath and running around after my little man is so draining.  He wants to play like we always do, but I just can't do it for the last few weeks.  Please don't get me wrong.  I do not mean to complain.  I love being pregnant and I feel completely blessed to get to bring these people into the world!  But the last few weeks of pregnancy are very difficult.

See the I'm-over-it look on my face?  That's not staged.  I took this pic for a friend of mine who lives far away.  I was trying to smile... 

The baby has dropped, but my cervix remains closed.  Some people say that it doesn't mean anything because cervical progression can be very quick when (if) you go into labor.  Well here's what it means to me:  I am not currently inducible.  While this may not be a big deal to many women, it is a big deal to me. My first baby was delivered via c-section after a "failed induction" 2 days after his due date.  I didn't know then what I know now, and I am trying for a VBAC with this baby.  Throughout my pregnancy, I've been working with a doctor and a midwife (and annoying the crap out of my poor husband) to make sure that I'm doing everything possible to have a healthy pregnancy and that we're leading towards a natural delivery.

For the first half of my pregnancy, I was going to the gym 3-4 times per week, taking spin classes, and eating anything I wanted!  As my belly grew, and my energy decreased, my trips to the gym became less frequent!  (I also partially blame the end of Daylight Savings Time... it's VERY difficult to get up at 5:30AM when it's pitch black outside!)

When I was 20 weeks pregnant, UNDER DOCTOR'S ORDERS I cut carbs from my diet.  I was put on a very healthy, Mediterranean-style diet with the intention that we keep the baby's weight down to make delivery easier.  According to my doctor, women who cut carbs have smaller babies. The smaller babies are not less healthy, but instead of having a 9lb baby, I'm aiming for a very healthy 7lb baby!  In any case, I did very well on the low-carb diet for about 2 months... and then the holidays came!  I fully intended to go back on my diet after New Year's (ain't it always the way?) but it just didn't happen.  But the good news is that at my 39 week appointment, my little lady was measuring 6lb. 7oz., so we're not in danger of having a 12 pounder anyway!  Phew.

I crave carbs and cheese... Italian food is "Mediterranean," right? 

Since I was 36 weeks, my midwife has had me taking Pulsatilla to try and help my mucus plug to fall away, Primrose Oil to soften the cervix, and Red Raspberry Leaf tea to push everything along.  At 38 weeks she upped the dosages because there had been no change in 2 weeks.  We also added Caulophyllum Thailctroides to try and stimulate Braxton Hicks contractions (not labor contractions) and using my breast pump once per day to stimulate contractions as well. I've been making a concerted effort to get to the gym to do some walking, and sex is always prescribed at this stage of pregnancy to help things along! (It's funny that you use the same method to get the baby into the womb that you do to get them out!! But I digress...)

I've been having lots of contractions, but nothing "real" is happening yet.  I know she'll be here some time in the next 2 weeks, I just wish I knew when!

Thankfully, as of yesterday, we're ready for her when she gets here!  

Sorry for the long complaint!
And Happy St. Paddy's Day!  

Friday, March 14, 2014

Erin Go Bragh, and soda bread too! (B)

I am very excited about St. Paddy's Day being right around the corner! I am even more excited for Parade Day though. It is just such a good time. We are planning to have a little get together at our house after the parade. It will be replete with all of the Irish fixings- corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, and two kinds of soda bread. There will be other things too, like chicken nuggets (for the kiddos), cookies, salads- you know, party food. We will also have pre-parade brunch with my favorite muffins and personalized eggs. I am planning a fun craft for the kiddies too. I seriously can't wait!

Anyway, you may have noticed that I said we have two kinds of soda bread at our St. Paddy's feast. Every year I bake a traditional soda bread, using the same recipe my Grandma made, chock full of raisins and caraway seeds. But- do you know who's not a fan of caraway seeds? Kids. Kids do not care for them at all, in my experience. A lot of them aren't all that keen on raisins either. Do you know what kids (and grown ups, AKA me) do like? Chocolate chips. That's right. Along with my traditional, I make a chocolate chip soda bread! It's been an amazing hit with all ages. I tend to go with a slice from each loaf and so does my Dad!

The food is probably the most important part of the day... I mean, corned beef is SO freaking delicious, but you hardly ever get it outside of St. Pat's. I love making corned beef in the big pot and watching it soak up the beer, but you have to keep in mind- it's Parade Day! I don't want to miss the big show because I'm stuck home chained to the stove. Yet, good corned beef takes time. Last year I handled this by scouring Pinterest for a slow cooker recipe that would meet my admittedly high expectations. I was leery, I won't deny it, but let me tell you- it was perfect! I received a ton of compliments too. Here it is:

  • 10 baby red potatoes, quartered 
  • 1 onion, peeled and cut in pieces 
  • 4 cups water
  • 4lbs corned beef, with spice packet 
  • 6 ounces of beer 
  • 1/2 head of cabbage, coarsely chopped 
Place onions and potatoes in the crock pot and cover with the water. 
Add the brisket and then pour the beer and spices over top.
Cook on high for 8 hours.
1 hour before serving stir in chopped cabbage and re-cover. 

Last year I had to do the cabbage on the stovetop. As I mentioned, we like to have company post-parade and one brisket was NOT going to be enough corned beef! So I had to cram two into the slow cooker and there was just no room to stir in cabbage. I am getting so hungry thinking about this! Spicy mustard and fresh rye from the local bakery are all I need to be complete at this point... I hope everyone's St. Paddy's is just as wonderful. Share your traditions in the comments! I am always looking for fun new ways to celebrate. 

Slainte is Gaelic for "cheers!" 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A Disney Themed Bedroom (B)

So, we have had a very sick house. I was sick, and then little HJ got sick, and then I got sick AGAIN with what HJ had. Probably due to my already taxed immune system. That second one was a doozy too. We are both still congested, but it's getting better; at the least the fevers are gone. 

Anyway, as promised, Hubby Jr.'s Disney Themed Bedroom:

Did you know Home Depot used to carry a line of Disney paint colors? It's true. I was sad to see that is no longer the case, but it really isn't That big a deal. Hubby Jr's room would be just as cute if we painted the doors, both the entry and closet, "black" rather than "Mouse Ears."

All the trim is "Goofy Yellow." It's the color, in my opinion, of Mickey's shoes, but I remember thinking when we picked it, "what does yellow even have to do with Goofy?" His hat is green, his shoes are brown, his pants and shirt are blue and orange! I don't know, but it sure looks cute. 

Two of the walls are red and the other two are white. It's rather striking. Hubby Jr was over the moon the first time he saw it. Red is far and away his very favorite color, and it's the first thing that hits your eye when you walk in the door:

If you are wondering why the drum kit is up in the window box, you may remember from my snow post that we live in a condo. Just because kids like to get up and play at 7a does NOT mean the rest of the building is ready to hear it that early! The drums only come down when it is socially acceptable. 

I was really excited to find the Mickey Road Rally bed set since it's Mickey, but still racecar so it ties in Lightning McQueen.  He started out with a blue and red toddler bed featuring Lightning McQueen on the headboard, but as you can see, we've graduated to full McQueen, well twin, but you know what I mean:

The dressers are fun. The tall one was a pretty plain hand-me-down, until the new bed came with some extra stickers! The short dresser came from Ikea. It started out with pink drawers, but Hubby used the trim yellow to match the dresser to the room. You can't even tell they were once pink:
He also used extra red and trim yellow to paint two white shelves we picked up at Lowes. They are adorned with hats, a few stuffed animals (HJ doesn't really care to play with stuffed animals- he's such a BOY! Ha), his piggy bank, and one of his Potato Heads all decked out for Disney! 

His big bookcase of toys, train table, Lego table, art easel and circus tent round out the room!

Oh yeah, and if you are wondering about the snowflakes- they were a surprise from D.A. (his Elf on the Shelf). They are still up because HJ loves them, and it snowed here as recently as this week. They will be coming down with the time change though- at least until D.A. returns this winter (we can talk about Elves and my torn feelings on the subject then). 

As you can probably tell, all of this didn't happen over night. It's been about a year in the making for us to get here. A lot has changed in that year and HJ's room has evolved- big things like growing out of his toddler bed or getting his train table for Christmas and little things like figuring out a cute way to incorporate his art from school into the decor or adding a special space just for creating art at home. If you have fun theme ideas I'd love to hear about them in the comments (HJ probably won't love Disney forever- sadly). And feel free to leave suggestions! 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Bedroom Art, Fit for a Kid (B)

I got sidetracked by the snow, but since I mentioned the Disney shadowbox that hangs in Hubby Jr.'s room during my Valentine post, I thought I would post about all of the art he has in there. 

I found this first project on Pinterest; someone had pinned it from an adorable blog: attackofthetwins. It seemed easy enough- lay down mat (I'm partial to felt backed vinyl table clothes from the dollar store), tape off name, lay out the colors, and let Hubby Jr. go to town. And let me tell you, it was just that easy! I love this project. Here we are getting down to business:

You may have noticed that HJ's nickname in real life is not far off from his Blogger nickname! Anyway, here we are all done, before and after tape (I used Frog Tape- because, as usual, that's what I had on hand):

The primary colors in the standard Crayola Finger Paint went fantastically with Hubby Jr.'s Disney themed room (a mix of Mickey & Lightning McQueen). It did get a bit muddy in the middle, but you can really see his little finger prints; I just love that. I waited for the local craft store to have a sale on framing, and then it was all up to Hubby. I think both of my fellas did a great job:

This next project, the shadowbox (and I didn't even get the idea from Pinterest, ha), I did on my own. After we took him to the Magic Kingdom last spring, making something to commemorate the trip (his first ever) seemed perfectly appropriate:

I used the 2013 t-shirt we got down there as the background and pinned it to the backer so that the size 3T, inside the Castle graphic, would be visible. I wasn't sure if I should "lock up" the mouse ears at first, but they were already on the snug side when we got them, and hopefully we'll be going back again this year anyway! His "Key to the World," a family photo from our Photo Pass, the welcome postcard "from" Mickey, and his "First Visit" button rounded everything out.

These aren't projects so much as cuteness. The pirate flag came with his personalized treasure chest, but that frame is really something special- it has a secret compartment that opens on a hinge so you can store and swap out art! We love it. Daycare is always sending cute things home (many of which go on the fridge), but this is another fun place where he can display his handy work! We rotate it depending on the aspect.

It isn't exactly art, but his ceiling is covered in glow in the dark stars- including the constellations of Orion, Big Dipper, Little Dipper, and Cassiopeia (I know- I have a problem). We also have some large family and baby HJ photos hanging on his walls.

I really love how his room came out. Hubby did so much painting to bring my design to life! I helped too, but wet paint aggravates my allergies something fierce. Lately though, I feel like the room is constantly evolving. In December we had to rearrange to fit the Train Table he got for Christmas (his big gift from Daddy and me). The very next month he moved up from Toddler Bed to Big Boy Bed, and we had to redo the whole thing, again! I'll save all that for next week...

Thursday, February 13, 2014

I love snow- Banana Pancakes! (B)

In addition to my "I love snow" post, I am tossing in banana pancakes. It was because of the snow that I finally got to try them! I will be honest, unlike snow, I do not love bananas. I will eat them, on occasion, but they will almost never be my first choice when offered a selection of fruit. Still, I had been seeing so many Pins about these miracle "two ingredient"/"flour-less"/"Paleo friendly"/"gluten free" pancakes for a while now. I also do not like waste, which tends to be the outcome when bananas hit that over-ripe stage.

So here's what happened: Wednesday, due to the snow, I did not have to be in work until noon (awesome), AND we just happened to have some bananas that were past their prime- Perfect time to try something new!

Here is the lone banana left behind. Hubby Jr. would still consider eating that one; the others had way too many spots for his liking.  But you can at least get an idea of the ripeness we are talking about here; look at that stem!

I read over quite a few of the offerings on Pinterest and then went to work on it myself until satisfied. Here is what I settled on:

  • Two large bananas
  • Three eggs
  • 1/2 tsp of cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp of nutmeg (you can go all cinnamon if you don't have nutmeg, but it is one of my favs)
  • 1 tsp of vanilla
     I mashed the bananas up with a fork and then dumped the rest on top.  
     For this, I preferred my hand mixer over the big 'ole stand mixer. I whipped those ingredients up really good. My thought process is that, much like meringues, all the fluffiness comes from how much air I can beat into the eggs- without going over! And they will be thin pancakes, mind you, but that's to be expected with no rising agent. 
     Warm up your liberally sprayed non-stick frying pan. You may be thinking, "I am using a non-stick pan" or "I hardly need to grease my pan when I make pancakes" or some other variation. I thought that too. I was wrong. Re-spray after each batch- even if you usually don't- or you will regret it. Unless you like mashed up pancakes, then go for it. 
     When you pour in your batter, I recommend keeping them silver dollar sized. They firm up as they cook, but they do not operate like regular pancakes. It is very loosey goosey right up until the end.

And that's all there is to it! Hubby, a consummate banana lover, thoroughly enjoyed them; he ate them plain. I ate mine with a generous helping of whipped cream on top.
I made them that Wednesday and then I also made them again Saturday for brunch when Little Sis came to visit with my cutiepie nephew (they were fleeing the dust at home while her hubbs was hard at work remodeling the little guy's new room). Little Sis also liked the whipped cream on top! Here they are with and without:

The little ones had no interest in pancakes (can you believe boys that don't want pancakes??). They had cheesy scrambled eggs instead! HJ went that route Both days, crazy guy!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Car seat confusion... (L)

My son is 18 months old!  He's getting so big and growing like an adorable little weed.  Or a pickle as my sister is wont to call him.  There are so many things that this brings up, but the main focus in the house right now (aside from getting ready for the new baby) is Pickle's car seat.  He is currently rear-facing in a Chicco NextFit Convertible car seat.

At just shy of 28 lbs., he is still firmly within the rear-facing limits, but he's a pretty tall kid and he's been kicking the back of the seat for quite a while now. His knees have to be bent in order for him to sit down. My husband thinks he's getting uncomfortable and it's time to turn him forward-facing. I get that a lot. I disagree. I don't get too much resistance from my husband because all I have to do is say "internal decapitation" and he drops the subject (I'm wondering how long that will last... probably until he reads this blog post...), he definitely puts our son's safety first, he just disagrees that there is a safety issue. But I do hear that he's too big to be rear-facing from others.  I decided to check things out and see if I'm being overprotective.

According to the laws of The State of NJ, little Pickle is old enough and heavy enough (greater than 12 months and 20 pounds) to be front facing. HOWEVER!  The US Department of Transportation suggests that you leave your child "rear-facing for as long as possible!" They do say that the minimum age for forward-facing should be 12 months, but they suggest keeping the child in the rear-facing position for up to three years.  This is more in line with the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendation that babies and toddlers remain in the rear-facing position for a minimum of two years.
I found this chart from the CDC to be pretty helpful:

I hear all the time that, "I turned my baby at 1-year-old and he's just fine." What I never hear is, "I turned my baby at 1-year-old and got in a massive car accident and he's just fine." No one says that. Car seats, whether they're rear-facing, or forward-facing, or booster seats, or seat belts, are not for normal days. They're for the days no one wants to think about.  The possibility that your baby might not be safe even when you're driving is too scary.  I wouldn't leave the house if I thought about it too long. But that's what I think about when I'm making decisions about my son's (and soon my daughter's too!) car seat.  All of the sources cited above say that even adults would be safer in a car accident if they were rear-facing.  Front-end car accidents account for 74% of all accidents and in these cases, the impact would be absorbed by and distributed across the child's whole back if he was rear-facing, or by just the straps of the harness if he was front-facing.

For now I'll fight the good fight and keep my boy rear-facing for as long as I can!  I think that based on all of these sources, I'm not being overprotective.  I think that the rules are changing to keep our babies safer.  I tend to question the rules, but this time I'll abide!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I love the snow; I wish I had a yard (B)

When I was young, I LOVED the snow. Some time in my 20's I got over it. I mean, I still thought it was pretty, and there were times I would throw down a snow angel for old times' sake, but I didn't LOVE it anymore. I think it was mostly driving related- that's what jaded me. Digging out your car is cold, tiring, tedious work, and driving the slushy, mucky, slippery streets mid/post snow storm is just plain treacherous.

My sweet, little Hubby Jr., however, has me firmly back in the LOVE column.

How can I not go back to the love? Do you see this kid going to town? It's downright infectious! We tackle each other (I'm pretty easy for a 4 year old to tackle...), then we team up to take down Hubby! Hubby is unbeatable when it comes to snowballs, even if we team up against him... It's times like these though, I am sad that we live in a city. We make due; our condo building has two patches of grass and shrubbery flanking the main entrance (the back is completely parking). The lack of privacy leaves quite a bit to be desired, but when it comes to fun in the snow- let 'em look, I say!

As you can see, there is enough space for snow that we can make sure the little guy doesn't miss out on the classics! My dad used to make a mean snowman- it is so fun to do it now with Hubby and HJ. Brings back awesome memories from my childhood, while we make awesome ones in HJ's childhood. Could you ask for more? I love snow. I saw that snowman kit in an Avon fundraiser last year for someone's kiddo and just KNEW it had to be mine- well, HJ's. It has more than repaid the cost already, but, again, I wish we had a yard- you just can't leave your toys out in the "front yard" of a condo in a city. So, we had to denude poor Frosty once our fun was done.

A brand new kind of snow fun made it's appearance this year in the form of "sno-markers:"

As you can see, they are less markers, and more drippy squirt bottles, but HJ had a blast! There was a coloring pack for each bottle, but rather than trying to find (and buy) refills, I am going to try out regular old food coloring next time (and according to the forecasts, next time might be this weekend). We had trouble making pictures and shapes freehand; although, they did do a magnificent job speckling the snow mountain left by the plows beside the driveway! For us, the best use we found was decorating snow castles: 

Aren't they beautiful? Ha. Maybe not, but HJ loved every second, and he was so sad when they ran out. The red went first, of course, but I was very happy that, today at least, it was not his exclusive color. The only downside is that I may be receiving a strongly worded letter from the Condo Association about lawn art... (Did I mention I wish I had a yard?) 

Oh well, I don't even care. You know why?
I love snow! 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Making Valentines for the Daycare Class (B)

The special little guy in my life attends daycare daily.  So, now that it's February, that means we get to make Valentines for him to give to his classmates.  We don't HAVE to make them, but it is usually more cost effective (if you don't count labor, ha), and Hubby and I really just enjoy doing this sort of thing with little Hubby Jr. 

I saw some cute ideas on Pinterest featuring one of Hubby Jr.'s favorite snacks- Goldfish.  I liked the idea since Valentine's Day is one of those days that just overload the kids (and the grown ups, AKA me) with sugar. Bonus, most of the Pins featured a cheesy saying that was right up my alley: "I'm so glad you're in my school."  The problem I had was that they all involved putting loose fish in a cellophane bag.  We have done things involving unwrapped foodstuffs in the past (and likely will again), but if I can avoid it, I try to.

I went with the 9-packs of snack-sized, individual servings.  Two boxes covered the whole class:

I made a pretty basic backer for the actual "card" part of the Valentine- prominently featuring the hilarious (IMO) saying at the top.  Then I printed my template on a variety of sea colors plucked from the card stock I had on hand.  Yes, I keep card stock on hand (I used to be an avid scrap-booker prior to discovering the awesomeness that is photobooks via Shutterfly, and I have found a host of other uses for it since).  I cut each page into thirds between the printed lines; I just used a scissor freehand since there were not that many:

Here is a link to a PDF of the printable if you are interested.

I happen to own a slew of different style "pinking shears" and used the scalloped one to slice off the top in a wave pattern, but that step is completely unnecessary:

Finally, I used two small glue dots (I had some Zots already; you can find them at any craft store... and yes, I already happened to have them on hand- from when I made the little guy a shadow box after our trip to Disney last spring), but double-sided tape or photo stickers would probably work just as well. 
And there you have it:

I felt like it needed a little something extra, so I added a tiny heart to each bag of fish.  Hubby thought it was unnecessary, but Hubby Jr. loves to put stickers on just about anything! I should probably note that he (HJ) vetoed the large pink and purple hearts in favor of the little shiny red ones pictured: