Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I love the snow; I wish I had a yard (B)

When I was young, I LOVED the snow. Some time in my 20's I got over it. I mean, I still thought it was pretty, and there were times I would throw down a snow angel for old times' sake, but I didn't LOVE it anymore. I think it was mostly driving related- that's what jaded me. Digging out your car is cold, tiring, tedious work, and driving the slushy, mucky, slippery streets mid/post snow storm is just plain treacherous.

My sweet, little Hubby Jr., however, has me firmly back in the LOVE column.

How can I not go back to the love? Do you see this kid going to town? It's downright infectious! We tackle each other (I'm pretty easy for a 4 year old to tackle...), then we team up to take down Hubby! Hubby is unbeatable when it comes to snowballs, even if we team up against him... It's times like these though, I am sad that we live in a city. We make due; our condo building has two patches of grass and shrubbery flanking the main entrance (the back is completely parking). The lack of privacy leaves quite a bit to be desired, but when it comes to fun in the snow- let 'em look, I say!

As you can see, there is enough space for snow that we can make sure the little guy doesn't miss out on the classics! My dad used to make a mean snowman- it is so fun to do it now with Hubby and HJ. Brings back awesome memories from my childhood, while we make awesome ones in HJ's childhood. Could you ask for more? I love snow. I saw that snowman kit in an Avon fundraiser last year for someone's kiddo and just KNEW it had to be mine- well, HJ's. It has more than repaid the cost already, but, again, I wish we had a yard- you just can't leave your toys out in the "front yard" of a condo in a city. So, we had to denude poor Frosty once our fun was done.

A brand new kind of snow fun made it's appearance this year in the form of "sno-markers:"

As you can see, they are less markers, and more drippy squirt bottles, but HJ had a blast! There was a coloring pack for each bottle, but rather than trying to find (and buy) refills, I am going to try out regular old food coloring next time (and according to the forecasts, next time might be this weekend). We had trouble making pictures and shapes freehand; although, they did do a magnificent job speckling the snow mountain left by the plows beside the driveway! For us, the best use we found was decorating snow castles: 

Aren't they beautiful? Ha. Maybe not, but HJ loved every second, and he was so sad when they ran out. The red went first, of course, but I was very happy that, today at least, it was not his exclusive color. The only downside is that I may be receiving a strongly worded letter from the Condo Association about lawn art... (Did I mention I wish I had a yard?) 

Oh well, I don't even care. You know why?
I love snow! 

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